Akudama Drive
Many years ago, a Great Civil War ravaged Japan, leaving the country fragmented between two regions: Kansai and Kanto. In Kansai, a group of six Akudama carry out missions given to them by a mysterious black cat, while evading the police. But a dangerous journey is about to unfold when a civilian girl becomes twisted into the Akudama’s way of life and witnesses their criminal drives.
Links & scores
12/24/2020 Akudama Drive - 12
12/17/2020 Akudama Drive - 11
12/10/2020 Akudama Drive - 10
12/03/2020 Akudama Drive - 09
11/26/2020 Akudama Drive - 08
11/19/2020 Akudama Drive - 07
11/12/2020 Akudama Drive - 06
11/05/2020 Akudama Drive - 05
10/29/2020 Akudama Drive - 04
10/22/2020 Akudama Drive - 03
10/15/2020 Akudama Drive - 02
10/08/2020 Akudama Drive - 01