Grand Blues!
Set in the grand blue skies up above, the depths of darkness, elder sisters, knights, gentlemen, Vyrn lovers― all the colorful crew members will get to shine in a whole new light! "Kept you waiting, huh? It's time for you to see our final forms!" Join us and take flight to the world in the skies!
Links & scores
12/24/2020 Guraburu! - 12
12/17/2020 Guraburu! - 11
12/10/2020 Guraburu! - 10
12/03/2020 Guraburu! - 09
11/26/2020 Guraburu! - 08
11/19/2020 Guraburu! - 07
11/12/2020 Guraburu! - 06
11/05/2020 Guraburu! - 05
10/29/2020 Guraburu! - 04
10/22/2020 Guraburu! - 03
10/15/2020 Guraburu! - 02
10/08/2020 Guraburu! - 01