In Neo Tokyo, disillusioned youth form tribes that battle each other in an intense game called Extreme Baseball. One night, two kids – Haru Shirogane and Taiga – meet the strongest XB Player Shun Kamiya. Haru and Taiga join Shun's group, the Minato Tribe, to play this cutthroat game against a mysterious man who has begun taking control of all the tribes. Can they defeat him before it’s too late?
Links & scores
03/28/2022 Tribe Nine - 12
03/21/2022 Tribe Nine - 11
03/14/2022 Tribe Nine - 10
03/07/2022 Tribe Nine - 09
02/28/2022 Tribe Nine - 08
02/21/2022 Tribe Nine - 07
02/14/2022 Tribe Nine - 06
02/07/2022 Tribe Nine - 05
01/31/2022 Tribe Nine - 04
01/24/2022 Tribe Nine - 03
01/17/2022 Tribe Nine - 02
01/10/2022 Tribe Nine - 01