Extreme Hearts
The story of <i>Extreme Hearts</i> is set in the near future, when the hobby of "Hyper Sports" (which are enhanced with special gear and power-up items) has become popular among children and adults alike. The story focuses on Hiyori Hayama, a second year high school student who initially has no connection to "Hyper Sports", but after a chance encounter this begins to change as Hiyori and her friends grow closer and pursue their athletic dreams.
Links & scores
09/24/2022 Extreme Hearts - 12
09/17/2022 Extreme Hearts - 11
09/10/2022 Extreme Hearts - 10
09/03/2022 Extreme Hearts - 09
08/27/2022 Extreme Hearts - 08
08/20/2022 Extreme Hearts - 07
08/13/2022 Extreme Hearts - 06
08/06/2022 Extreme Hearts - 05
07/31/2022 Extreme Hearts - 04
07/23/2022 Extreme Hearts - 03
07/16/2022 Extreme Hearts - 02
07/09/2022 Extreme Hearts - 01