After being fired from his detective job, Brian receives a strange letter. He heads to the address written on the envelope and finds himself among <i>THE MARGINAL SERVICE!</i> This motley crew of fearless men and a woman (and a squirrel) are tasked with hunting down aliens. And Brian just became their newest member.
Links & scores
06/27/2023 The Marginal Service - 12
06/20/2023 The Marginal Service - 11
06/16/2023 The Marginal Service - 10v2
06/06/2023 The Marginal Service - 09
05/30/2023 The Marginal Service - 08
05/23/2023 The Marginal Service - 07
05/16/2023 The Marginal Service - 06
05/09/2023 The Marginal Service - 05
05/02/2023 The Marginal Service - 04
04/25/2023 The Marginal Service - 03
04/18/2023 The Marginal Service - 02
04/11/2023 The Marginal Service - 01